What is it?
Ginkgo biloba is an amazing herb is one of the most beneficial supplements for our health, longevity and mental wellbeing.
Many herbalists say that ginkgo is the single most beneficial herb for general wellbeing and if an individual were to take only one supplement, it should be ginkgo.
The leaves are gathered during early autumn, when the leaves have turned golden brown.
The leaves are dried and often prepared into capsules, although the kombucha fermented tea is said to be more effective, which is how our tincture is made.
Ginkgo leaf extracts are now amoung the leading prescription medicines in both France and Germany, where over 100.000 physicians write over 10 million prescriptions yearly.
Traditional Chinese medicine prescribes ginkgo for its ability to benefit the brain.
Also known as the maidenhair tree,is a species of tree native to China.
It is the last living species in the order Ginkgoales, which first appeared over 290 million years ago.
Fossils very similar to the living species, belonging to the genus Ginkgo, extend back to the Middle Jurassic approximately 170 million years ago.
Trees in excess of 2000 years old have been recorded in China.
The name ginkgo refers to the fruit of the tree. In Japanese "gin" means silver and "kyo" is apricot.
Kyo was changed to kgo as the result of a spelling mistake from its first import to the UK ~ the shipping clerk spelt it wrong and it was never corrected.
Biloba refers to the shape of the leaf, where bi means two and loba means balls, as in scrotum.
What's it good for?
Ginkgo has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries to treat circulatory disorders, asthma, tinnitus, vertigo and other cognitive disorders.
Traditional Chinese medicine prescribes ginkgo for its ability to benefit the brain.
Research published in 2013 showed ginkgo to have clinical benefits in several conditions including ischemia, epilepsy and peripheral nerve damage such as Reynauds syndrome.
The natural source of myelin for protecting neurons.
Unlike cats, we humans cannot produce our own myelin so ginkgo is an invaluable source.
It is one of the only sources of the lipid or fat, called Myelin. Myelin is the jelly like fat that protects our nerve cells, often referred to as the Myelin Sheath.
With MS and many other neurological degenerative disorders, this is attacked, damaged or non existent, leading to the nerves malfunctioning or dying.
It is the natural source of myelin for protecting neurons. Ginkgo leaves are one of the few natural sources of this fat, which has been shown to rebuild the protective sheaths around our nerve cells.
Ginkgo's other benefits include:
- potent antioxidant, removing toxins from the body
- promotes blood vessel health, fights hardening of the arteries and reduces plaque buildup.
- increases absorption of oxygen and glucose in the brain.
- inhibits the action of Paroxysmal Atrial fibrillation/Flutter (PAF), the leading cause of strokes.
- improves sexual performance in men
- acts as an antidepressant
- fights cancer development
- full of antibiotics
Three pipettes taken daily with food or in a hot drink.
Medicina is only one element of an holistic approach to mental and physical wellbeing.
Equally important are diet, exercise and environment ~ for true healing to happen, all need to be positively aligned.
pharmaceutical drugs ~ due to Ginkgo biloba's potency, please ensure you do your own research on all and any potential adverse reactions to all and any pharmaceutical drugs you may be taking.
contents ~ 30 ml
active ingredients ~ ginkgo biloba
total 60 pipettes per bottle
best before ~ see pack label
best stored in a cool, dark cupboard