Our collection of fibromyalgia preventative wares, combined to create a monthly care package.
Our packages contains:
Bach flower remedies to help balance the emotions of mood disturbances, anxiety and psychological distress associated with fibromyalgia.
Our mental states affect our emotional state.
The flower remedy that matches a mental or emotional state helps to heal the state.
They work through enhancing the positive qualities of the mind and emotions that the negative qualities are in opposition to.
With fear states the remedies enhance the qualities of courage, security, safety, strength and love that are currently lacking or dormant.
Emotions are specific reactions to events that arise before we are conscious of experiencing them.
Emotions set off biochemical reactions that alter your physical state ~ emotions control hormones.
For more information please click HERE
This will help with both the difficulty in sleeping and the unrefreshing sleep associated with Fibromyalgia and IBS, irritable bowel syndrome.
The Night Time blend includes organic dried Lavender flowers in the mix ~ Lavender increases slow wave sleep, instrumental in slowing the heartbeat and relaxing muscles.
Lavender contains Linalool, which produces a sedative effect by acting on our GABA* pathways.
* Gamma Amino Butyric Acid
GABA is one of the major inhibitory neurotransmitters in the nervous system so is responsible for reduced nerve cell excitation.
It also helps to promote the digestive system by stimulating digestive enzymes.
To help balance the endocannabinoid system and to help deal with the pain, stiffness,and tenderness.
It is important to balance the endocannabinoid system as it plays a big roll in our over all health.
We have two main cannabinoid receptors in the brain:
CB1, which is in charge of the brain, lungs,vascular system, gastrointestinal tract, immune system, liver, bone marrow and pancreas
CB2, which helps regulate the spleen, bones, skin, immune system, liver and pancreas
This interaction between the endocannabinoids and their corresponding receptors plays a crucial role in maintaining your body’s internal balance or homeostasis.
The endocannabinoid system regulates many of the most important aspects of your health.
Please note this item is posted out as two separate parcels.