Ailment specific essential oil & healing crystals blend in a handy rollerball bottle, 10ml.
CBD carrier oil with Lavender, Chamomile and Eucalyptus
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a nonintoxicating cannabinoid found in Hemp.
It's gaining momentum in the health and wellness world, with many scientific studies confirming it eases many ailments, including chronic pain and anxiety.
Researched and documented proven** benefits of CBD include:
- relieves arthritis pain
- aleviates chronic pain
- calms chronic nerve pain
- counters inflammation
- minimises muscle spasms and other MS symptoms
- reduces chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting for cancer patients
- may slow cancer cell growth
- calms anxiety and depression
- helps insomnia and improves sleep
- great for treating acne and psoriasis
- aids nicotine and heroin addiction recovery by reducing withdrawal symptoms
** source ~ cbdoil.org
The use of chamomile as a medicinal herb dates back to ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt.
Its popularity grew during the Middle Ages as people started to recognize its ability to treat a whole host of complaints including colic, fever, asthma, inflammation, skin diseases and nervous conditions.
Chamomile is such a popular and diverse remedy that it is often seen as the European version of China’s ginseng.
It has been a traditional home remedy for pain relief for many long years.
When combined with other natural anti inflammatory foods, helps reduce pain, swelling, redness and congestion.
Eucalyptus oil is a natural cough suppressant that also has been shown to fight bacteria.
Easing congestion by reducing the negative bacteria and other microbes in the nasal passage.
Over the past few decades, there have been hundreds of studies into the health benefits of eucalyptus essential oil.
Eucalyptus oil has a comprehensive range of medicinal uses from treating colds and coughs to nourishing the hair and skin.
Lavender essential oil has been used as an anxiolytic drug, a mood stabilizer, a sedative, spasmolytic, antihypertensive, antimicrobial, analgesic agent as well as a wound healing accelerator.
Recent research concluded that the inhalation of lavender essential oil may be an effective and safe treatment modality in acute management of migraine headaches.
The researchers determined that rubbing 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil on the upper lip at the first sign of migraine significantly improved headache in 74% of participants.
Migraine sufferers may also want to experiment with avoiding potential triggers such as aspartame.
Please note artificial or synthetic lavender is known to trigger migraines.
Essential oils have been used for over 6,000 years, with the aim of improving our health and mental health.
The National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy (UK) defines aromatherapy as:
“the therapeutic application or the medicinal use of aromatic substances (essential oils) for holistic healing.”
On Your Feet
Did you know that your feet have some of the largest pores in your body?
With larger pores, your feet can more easily absorb essential oils through the skin and release the benefits of the oils into your bloodstream.
This means that you can experience the effects of essential oils faster.
Reflexology is a great way to help get the essential oils from your feet and into the body.
Reflexology is the act of applying pressure particularly to the hands, feet, and ears to promote relaxation and stress relief ~ all of your nerve lines end in your feet.
By massaging your feet after applying your roll~on oils, you will be able to experience greater relief, rápido.
Behind Your Ears
Your skin varies in thickness across your body, and behind the ears is one of the areas where your skin is more permeable or absorbent.
This makes it easier for essential oils to get through the layers of skin and into the skin.
Also, your Mastoid pressure point is located behind the ear, and this will help you experience greater relief from pain and inflammation.
On Your Temples
Your temples, located on the side of the head between the forehead and ear, are areas of the body that most people turn to for headache and migraine relief.
Yet instead of simply gently massaging your temples to dispell your headache, try applying Our essential oil rollon.
Your temples are a pulse point, which means that there are blood vessels (the Temporal artery) close to the skin’s surface.
As a result, essential oils can get into your bloodstream faster, allowing you to experience quicker results.
On Your Wrists
The inner wrist is a very popular location to apply rollon essential oils ~ the wrist is an important pulse point.
Your radial artery runs along the inside of your wrist, which makes it easy for your body to absorb and distribute the benefits of essential oils thru your bloodstream.
Medicina is only one element of our holistic approach to mental and physical wellbeing.
Equally important are diet, exercise and environment ~ for true healing to happen, all need to be positively aligned.
Store in a cool dark place.
Weight 100 g
Volume 10 ml
For batch made and expiry dates, please see bottle label.