Moon charged local spring water mixed with these seven (7) Bach flowers:
- Crown ~ White Chestnut
- Third eye ~ Walnut
- Throat ~ Wild oat
- Heart ~ Holly
- Solar plexus ~ Larch
- Sacral ~ Mimulus
- Root ~ Aspen
Take four (4) drops up to four (4) times a day, either under the tongue or in a cold drink.
There are no negative side effects to Bach flowers.
Flower Remedies: an introduction
Bach flower remedies were created by Dr Edward Bach (1886~1936) was a physician, bacteriologist and homeopath .
He discovered the mind-body connection, understanding that emotional disease if left untreated can lean to physical illness.
There are thirty~eight (38) Bach flower remedies which come in emotion groupings:
- Fear
- Uncertainty
- Loneliness
- Apathy
- Hypersensitivity
- Despair
- Loss of self
Our mental states affect our emotional state.
The flower remedy that matches a mental or emotional state helps to heal the state.
They work through enhancing the positive qualities of the mind and emotions that the negative qualities are in opposition to.
With fear states the remedies enhance the qualities of courage, security, safety, strength and love that are currently lacking or dormant.
Emotions are specific reactions to events that arise before we are conscious of experiencing them. Emotions set off biochemical reactions that alter our physical state. Emotional control hormones
How they work
The water has acquired the memory of the flowers properties, similar to essential oils, the flower essence when administered is transferred to us vibrationally.
Vibrational medicine is a term used to describe any medicine that affects us on an energetic level; the level affecting our auras, chakras and meridians.
For more information please follow this link:
http:// www.bachflower.com/dr-edward-bach/
Net volume 60 ml
Gross weight 115 gm
Dimensions 11.5 cm x 3.5 cm
Best before ~ see bottle label