What is it?
A water and ethanol based tincture of lysergic acid 500ug, in a 2ml spray bottle.
Each spray will provide 25 ug of active ingredients.
Mister Albert Hofmann is the first known person to synthesize, ingest, and learn of its the effects.
He is known to have microdosed through his life ~ on this plain, 102 years.
Water, ethanol, lysergic acid
Pain Management
Researchers at Maastricht University found a single microdose of lysergic acid produced analgesic effects in its participants for up to five hours.
Participants performed the Cold Pressor Test, which involves submerging your hand in 3°C (37.4°F) water for as long as possible.
Those who took 20 ug (4 pipettes) of lysergic acid kept their hands submerged for 20% longer than the control group, and reported decreased “subjective levels of experienced painfulness and unpleasantness”.
Interestingly, lysergic acid analgesic effect was about as significant as similar doses of oxycodone ("OxyContin") and morphine.
Neuron Health
Microdosing lysergic acid can also give those 86 billion neurons in our brains some help in development and growth.
BDNF, or Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor, is a protein that promotes the growth of new neurons, strengthens existing ones, and improves synaptic signaling between neurons.
In small doses of between five and 20 ug, lysergic acid increased the amount of BDNF in blood plasma.
lysergic acid boosts neuron health thru a process called neuroplasticity, enabling alterative routings of messages and signals within the body.
Since mood disorders including depression have been linked to impairments in neuroplasticity, lysergic acid effect on neuron health be clearly understood.
Microdosing is the practice of consuming subperceptual doses, or very low doses, of a psychedelic compound to benefit from the active ingredients, in everyday daily life.
Microdosing of psychedelics has been shown to be highly beneficial, when dealing with mental as well as physical health conditions.
Typically, the experienced benefits include enhanced levels of creativity, energy, focus, and greatly improved relationship skills.
Additionally, positive feedback from our good friends and customers includes successfully managing:
+ addiction
+ depression
+ migraine
+ epilepsy
The key is to start low and go slow.
Though the protocols are many and varied, we recommend you do your own research and analyically appraise which amounts and how often works best for you.
The body builds a tolerance to the active ingredients quickly but also drops it quickly; the active ingredients exit our bodies usually within 24 hours.
Hence the two day breaks in many microdosing protocols.
Best taken in the morning with a light breakfast or snack.
Some popular microdosing protocols include:
+ 1 day on / 2 days off, reference Dr James Fadiman
+ 2 days on, 2 days off, veteran recommended for PTSD
+ 5 days on (Mon~Fri) / 2 days off (Sat~Sun), Mister Paul Stamet
+ one capsule, as and when required
For our tincture, 4 sprays or more is considered macrodosing.
Macrodoses have been reported to reduce the frequency and severity of migraine clusters and epileptic seizures.
Although there is limited clinical evidence for the physical benefits of macrodosing lysergic acid, there is very promising data on its positive psychological and spiritual effects.
lysergic acid therapeutic potential to produce positive effects and transformation is just beginning.
The term PSYCHEDELIC was created from two ancient Greek words: PSYCHE meaning soul, spirit, and breath, joined with DĒLOS, which means to manifest, to reveal.
Hence, psychedelic may be interpreted as meaning "soul manifesting" or "spirit revealing".
Micro/macro dosing is only one element of an holistic approach to mental and physical wellbeing.
Equally important are diet, exercise and environment ~ for true healing to happen, all need to be positively aligned.
If you have any questions or queries, please ask 👍
contents ~ 2 ml
active ingredients ~ 500 ug
each spray ~ 25 ug
total 20 sprays per bottle
best before ~ see pack label
¡ Do apply caution !
DO NOT mix with alcohol
best stored in a cool, dark cupboard
DO NOT mix with SSRIs
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are a class of pharmaceutical drug that are typically used as antidepressants in the treatment of major depressive disorder, anxiety disorders and other conditions associated with serotonin deficiencies.
https:// mind-foundation.org/psychedelic-antidepressant-interactions/