What is it?
McC Organic's CBD essential massage oil
A 100ml bottle of CBD lean, mean knot free pain and stress relieving essential massage oil.
Our CBD massage oil is made from organic Hemp flowers and essential oils.
Each bottle contains 3 gm (3,000 mg) of CBD in an MCT* carrier enhanced by specially selected essential oils: a blend of Cedar, Lavender and Peppermint.
*MCT, medium-chain triglyceride, is a refined fat sourced from coconut and palm oils.
What's it good for?
There are numerous physical and mental health benefits associated with massaging:
- reduces muscle spasms
- relieves stress
- eases pain
- increases mobility
- helps manage anxiety and depression
- improves blood pressure
- boost immune system
The benefits of using this as the carrier oil includes its abilities to soften and cleanse the skin.
It is well known for its antimicrobial properties.
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a nonintoxicating cannabinoid found in Hemp.
It's gaining momentum in the health and wellness world, with many scientific studies confirming it eases many ailments, including chronic pain and anxiety.
Researched and documented proven** benefits of CBD include:
- relieves arthritis pain
- relieves chronic pain
- reduces chronic nerve pain
- reduces inflammation
- reduces muscle spasms and other MS symptoms
- reduces chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting for cancer patients
- may slow cancer cell growth
- relieves anxiety and depression
- relieves insomnia and improves sleep
- helps treat acne and psoriasis
- aids nicotine and heroin addiction recovery by reducing withdrawal symptoms
** source ~ cbdoil.org
This makes CBD oil a very powerful carrier for massage oils.
Essential oils
Our CBD massage oil is further boosted by a blend of highly beneficial essential oils:
An amber yellow sticky oil obtained from all the aerial part aid the plant: the needles, the leaves, the bark as well as the berries of cedar trees.
Thanks to its anti~inflammatory and pain relieving properties, it works wonders in managing ailments associated with chronic pain.
Being a natural vasodilator, it is also used to treat painful muscle spasms, sore muscles and headaches including migraines.
A herb native to northern Africa and the mountainous regions of the Mediterranean.
Its anti~inflammatory and analgesic (pain killing) properties are effective in treating pain arise from muscle exhaustion, stress and tension.
Its oil eases swellings including bruises and stimulates the blood circulation system.
Lavender is particularly helpful in relieving muscle spasms caused by anxiety and other mental stresses.
Its beneficial properties also include:
- antiseptic and disinfectant
- encourages hair growth
- prevents digestive issues
- protects heart health
- relieves PMS
- relieves respiratory disorders
- repels insects
- soothes insect bites
- treats sleep issues
A cross between water mint and spearmint that thrives in Europe and North America.
The entire plant contains menthol, an organic compound with local anesthetic (pain killing) properties.
Peppermint provides a wonderful cooling sensation as it naturally alleviates discomfort.
It also has antibacterial, antiviral, anti~inflammatory, insect repelling, antispasmodic and carminative* properties.
* Expells excess gas ~ makes you burp and fart to relieve digestive discomfort.
Peppermint provokes perspiration, helpful in treating a cold or other corona viruses.
Externally it is often used for chest infections, sinusitis, catarrh, asthma, itchy skin, neuralgia, rheumatism, arthritis and
Peppermint is also a very effective insect repellant, particularly helpful in keeping mosquitoes away.
Directions for use
Use a small amount, 1 to 2 teaspoons' full, of oil to coat your hands.
Rub your hands together to warm them and apply to the affected or chosen areas.
Depending upon the part of the body being massaged, be firm or gentle with your massaging.
For example, massaging the temples in the instance of a migraine must be done gently.
Tip: use your little finger to delicately rub the oil across and around the temples, and other parts of the head where the pain is felt.
please note
contents: 100ml
- 3 gm (3,000 mg) per bottle
- 30 mg per ml
best before: see bottle label
store in a cool, dark cupboard ~ the terpenes are very volatile and will be damaged by direct sunlight.
¡ do not smoke or vape !