WINTERTIDE GREETINGS TO Y’ALL! Welcome to our January issue of all t’ings herbal, natural & steeped in love!
DETOXiFiCATiON, this month we focus upon detoxing ourselves, particularly our minds, of toxins, of free radicals, of the last several weeks festivities, and maybe years of the food, the drink, and other lifestyle choices we’ve made! Healthy body, healthy mind!
ACIIIIDDD!!!! Now back in the mainstream with its successful use in mental, physical and spiritual health, we take a look at LSD. Lysergic Sauer Diethylamide, Acid, Trips, Microdots, the psychedelic of choice for many generations, what is it? Who’s the clever bugger who found it? What happens on the 19th April every year?
ELEMENTAL GROWTH has kindly provided us with her LSD Manual, which gives experienced advice on dosage and what to expect from Dr Hofmann’s favourite.
In our article on DEMENTIA, we explore the "mainstream" generally accepted, peer reviewed causes and conditions of dementia with some insights from our own personal experience and understanding.
Bringing all the above together in our quest for mental health, we lay out our high level hypothesis and plans for the research into psychedelic medicines and diagnosed dementia, PROJECT MEMORIA
This month’s COMPETITION TIME you’ll find 4 colouring pages kindly donated by Noush’s Arts. ~ perfect for printing out and colouring in during those daytime sessions! Deffo one of the best mental health exercises
Plus a RECIPE, some PROSE and so much more! Happy reading!
Mucho amor y respeto